For healthier nutrition and more power

Meal Plan for Clean Eating

It has never been so hard to eat healthily. Sugar, preservatives, and chemical flavor enhancers hide under different names in foods everywhere, and many ingredients are of dubious origin. All too often, attractive advertising and misleading information about healthy food components are intended to obscure the lack of product quality. All this may lead you to be uncertain as what a clean, healthy diet looks like.

What’s the solution? Eat clean and healthily with the Cerascreen - Upfit Nutrition Plan (for men and women).

1. “Is orange juice healthy?” - Challenges of a healthy diet

It’s tough not to get confused by information overload. Search “healthy nutrition” on the internet, and you’ll find a thousand contradictory opinions about what you should or should not eat. Keeping perspective in the jungle of information is not easy and costs a lot of time. Instead of reading books and studies and integrating the findings of these into your everyday life, you can now choose an easier way.

Our clean eating meal plan will do the food selection for you and provide you with a diet that meets your needs, and provides you with healthy, natural food, and a balanced diet. Often when people start eating clean, they lose sight of their nutrient balance, i.e. getting the proper balance of micro and macronutrients. Our BMI calculator calculates your optimal nutrient composition for you.

Often, when you to design your own eating plan, you don’t provide yourself with the proper nutrition balance for optimal health. The result, despite good intentions, may be deficiencies that affect your health. Get started with our healthy nutrition plan now. It will save you a lot of work and make you healthier, more energetic, and happier. And best of all, without stress.

Diet Preference

Which diet is best for you? Choose between omnivore, vegetarian, vegan, flexitarian, pescetarian, or paleo.

Allergies &

Do you have food intolerances or allergies? Do you not like certain foods? No problem, just exclude them from your plan.

Suitable for
everyday use

Spend less time in the kitchen, easily prep meals in advance or skip meals when you go out to eat. Always adapted to your food budget.

Coaching &

Have questions? Get free advice from our nutrition and fitness experts via live-chat and email.


All plans are adapted to your goals and your optimal intake of micronutrients and macronutrients.

2. Do you eat healthily?

How do you know if you are eating well? Quite simply, if your diet is not good, your body will send you signals. Your job is to keep an eye on how your body feels.

2.1. Symptoms of an unbalanced diet

Often there is a sense of lethargy, you feel sluggish or tired, and can hardly get up to do activities. Mood swings and imbalances are often also signs of an unhealthy diet. In addition, a poor diet can affect your sleep and body sensation. Do you often feel unwell, feel restless, or sleep badly? These symptoms are usually effects of an unbalanced diet.

2.2. Physical symptoms of an unbalanced diet

  • Lethargy
  • Sluggishness
  • Restless sleep with very few deep REM sleep phases
  • Regular cravings, snacking
  • Weight gain and obesity

2.3. Cognitive symptoms of an unbalanced diet

  • Mood disorders
  • Bad mood
  • Signs of depression
  • Weariness

Of course, an unhealthy diet also promotes weight gain. If you recognize yourself in one of the above mentioned symptoms, you should tackle a clean eating plan and switch to a healthy diet! Not only will you feel better with a healthy, well-balanced diet, but your weight will also drop noticeably.

3. Sample day in your clean eating meal plan

Meal Plan Preview Web + Smartphone

We make it easy for you! With our nutrition plans, healthy food is not only child’s play, but also delicious, varied, and above all sustainable.

A personalized meal plan for healthy eating helps you take the first step, and every following step along the way to your goal. From the weekly shopping list with all the ingredients you need for your meals, to exact guidelines on when and how to prepare the delicious and nutritious dishes, to tips for shaping your life around your health goals, you’ll find everything you need. For more details, see the picture above.

By the way: Did you know that over 90% of the recipes can be prepared in under 20 minutes?

Sample meals from your clean eating meal plan

4. What you'll be eating

Three meal plan example recipes
Your tailored nutrition plan

5. Start clean eating

6. Goals of healthy eating - natural beauty, more power, more charisma

Everyone, man or woman, wants to feel good, fit, and well-balanced – particularly into old age. A healthy diet plan is one of the biggest factors influencing your health and well-being. If you have been eating processed meals, fast foods, and sugary desserts for years, it’s crucial for your health that you find the time and motivation to make the transition to healthy eating and proper nutrition. Start setting healthy goals now, then nothing will stand in your way to being as healthy as a 50 year old at 100.

Many substances in your previous diet create addictions in your body, similar to smoking, although everyone knows that these harmful habits are bad, they can only be overcome with discipline and stamina. So your primary goal should be to follow the clean eating plan and focus on your future success. After about two weeks you should notice the first differences in everyday life: you feel less tired, have more energy, and weigh less.

Start eating a nutritionally balanced diet and you will notice significant improvements after about six to eight weeks. If you were overweight before, you will lose weight, your level of activity will increase, and, because you are not so tired and listless, you will look fresher and won’t have dark circles under your eyes. The longer you continue eating a balanced diet, the more improvements you will see.

When you see your first small weight loss successes, don’t be tempted to start slacking on your meal plan! Be on the ball even if the process stagnates, your body just needs time to adapt. This is no reason to return to bad habits! Instead, you should set high goals: in 10 years, you will look younger and feel better.

7. Healthy Diet, Physical Changes & You

How quickly you benefit from a healthy diet depends on a number of factors: how were you eating before using our plans and for how long? Have you already tried other diets and developed some discipline in the matter? Or do you lose motivation quickly? Do you already exercise? Or are you more of a couch potato?

Do you have a stressful everyday life with a lot of pressure at work? Or can you focus your energy on your goal? Is your new healthy lifestyle supported by your friends and colleagues? Or do your friends and colleagues tempt you to go back to your old habits? Can you make it to bed early enough to get at least seven hours of restful sleep?

Ask these questions seriously and conscientiously. In the best case, you should be able to answer all questions in a positive manner. If this is not the case, then work on it! All these factors – discipline, sport, stress, environment, and sleep – will either contribute positively to getting you back into shape and healthy, or they will sabotage your success.

8. Negative Influences: Sleep, Stress, and Lack of Exercise

A regular lack of sleep lowers your energy level and discipline. For example, lack of sleep causes you to crave sugar and give it preference over healthy alternatives.

The same is true of stress: if your level of stress is constantly high, eating and sleeping well take a back seat, leaving you feeling constantly drained. Your are more likely to neglect getting exercise as well. Exercise is a key to weight loss and health, because it keeps your circulation going, burns calories, and has a positive effect on your mood.

If you want to lose weight more quickly with a healthy diet, you should exercise intensively at least twice a week. Strength training and interval training are particularly useful, both burn many calories and strength training also has a positive effect on your energy consumption at rest (and your attitude!). A healthy nutrition plan and exercise are the two essential keys to achieving your fitness goals, and increasing your sense of well being.

9. Nutrient distribution with clean eating

Nutrient distribution plays a major role in determining how healthy your diet is. For example, an average diet with lots of baked goods, pasta, processed meals, and soft drinks contains far too many carbohydrates (By the way, you can conveniently calculate the calorie and nutrient distribution that is right for you with our Calorie Calculator).

As has been known for some time, excess pounds (your body fat) are not caused by fat but by carbs. However, this doesn’t mean that fat is always good for you: The combination of high fat content with high carbohydrate content is very bad, such as in deep-fried foods, chips, or baked goods like cookies and pie. These unhealthy treats are addictive, contain a lot of calories, and go straight to your stomach and hips.

Soft drinks and energy drinks are particularly fattening and should be avoided. For nourishing carbohydrates, we recommend the following sources:

A healthy nutrition plan provides you with a rich variety of vegetables, leafy greens, lean meats and fish, nuts, oils, herbs, and seeds. These foods provide many vitamins and minerals, as well as plenty of the proteins and healthy fats your body needs. A high protein content is important for a healthy diet, as protein preserves your muscles, promotes regeneration, and, unlike carbohydrates, produces less hunger i.e. keeps you full and satisfied for longer.

9.1. Healthy foods

Some foods have a lot of good ingredients which can positively affect your body. Healthy food with a particularly high level of nutrients are known as superfoods and are excellent foods to incorporate in a balanced diet. Although many of these superfoods are quite expensive, there are many less expensive alternative foods that are just as nutrient dense that can easily be included in your nutrition plan. Here is a list of the top 10 healthy foods and their effects:

9.2. Healthy superfood list

  1. Watercress: contains numerous nutrients, has an antibacterial effect, has an anti-inflammatory effect
  2. Broccoli: contains many nutrients, high in protein, promotes intestinal health
  3. Avocado: contains high amounts of healthy fat, minerals, and vitamins
  4. Chia seeds: high in protein, contain good fats, contain many minerals
  5. Kale: contains many vitamins and minerals, has anti-inflammatory effects
  6. Blueberries: contain antioxidants, fight against intestinal inflammation, contain vitamin C and vitamin E.
  7. Ginger: contains many vitamins and minerals, promotes metabolism, strengthens your immune system
  8. Almonds: rich in protein, rich in good fats, contain many minerals
  9. Cinnamon: regulates blood sugar, rich in antioxidants, antibacterial, promotes metabolism
  10. Pumpkin seeds: anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, contain many vitamins and minerals

10. Tips & tricks for a healthy diet

To ensure your healthy diet is a complete success, we will give you some basic guidelines for what is healthy and what is unhealthy behaviour. Follow these guidelines for healthy eating and begin feeling and looking better now.

10.1. Tips for healthy eating (Do's)

  1. Exercise a lot –move as much as possible.
  2. Drink lots of water.
  3. Eat lots of veggies.
  4. Go to bed early and sleep at least 7 hours.
  5. Plan rest breaks (i.e. naps, meditation) in the day and stick to them.

10.2. Tips to avoid unhealthy eating (Dont’s)

  1. Don’t drink soft drinks or eat desserts.
  2. Don’t eat processed meals or fast food.
  3. Don’t watch TV or sit in front of the computer until late in the night.
  4. Don’t rush from one appointment to the next –manage stress.
  5. Don’t just wear your workout clothes for lounging on the sofa.